#LaceRace is a challenge to raise funds for Forgotten Feet, a charity set up in 2013, in Worcester, by podiatrist Deborah Monk. Forgotten Feet is a rapidly expanding nationwide charity extending across England, Wales, Northern Ireland and into Scotland. There are many towns covered by Forgotten Feet Clinics, run by Podiatrists and Foot health Practitioners. The vision is to set up clinics in as many towns as possible, where a need is identified, creating a network of free foot care for the poorest in society throughout the UK.
By setting up clinics in homeless or drop in centres, we find service users are far more likely to use the service rather than if they had to travel elsewhere. We take a friendly less formal approach, and although primarily set up to alleviate painful foot conditions amongst the homeless, we have an open door policy and encourage as many service users as possible to take up the service.